Former German Lawyer Sylvia Stolz has been jailed again

Justice for Germans

Sylvia_StolzSylvia Stolz, the former defence attorney for Ernst Zundel has been convicted today in a Munich court, once again under the tyrannical BRD laws concerning so-called “holocaust denial” and thereby “inciting racial hatred”.  She was sentenced to 20 months in prison with no possibility of parole.

The case stems from her presentation at the AZK in Switzerland in 2012 where she spoke about “Free Speech”, and her previous conviction under §130, the court procedures, banned speech, banned evidence and banned legal defence.

It mattered not to the court that the “offence” took place outside of the BRD. The host of the AZK (Anti-Zensur-Koalition) Ivo Sasek is also facing criminal charges stemming from this event and the presentation given by Sylvia Stolz, see below.

Full translated text:

While I am outraged and disappointed by this verdict, I am not at all surprised. This is simply more proof that Germany was…

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Oppose the Jewish kosher tax on medical marijuana.

Kosher marijuana could soon be available to Orthodox Jews in New York State — but only on doctor’s orders.

Rabbi Moshe Elefant, COO of the Orthodox Union’s kosher certification agency, said he has held “preliminary discussions” with several companies interested in obtaining a kosher seal of approval for medical marijuana.

Israel knows Iran N-program is peaceful, leaked Mossad report shows

Israel has been aware that Iran’s nuclear program is peaceful and does not include “the activity necessary to produce weapons,” shows a leaked Mossad report, dated shortly after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accused Tehran of having “plans to build a nuclear weapon”  at his 2012 UN speech.

According to a secret cable, released Monday by Al Jazeera television network, the Israeli spy agency sent a top-secret cable to South Africa’s State Security Agency (SSA) in October 2012 which presented a “bottom line” assessment of Iran’s nuclear work.